Time Management
Time management is the first step a person takes towards a successful life. The way you manage your time in order to complete several tasks of your everyday life reflects the attitude you have towards that task. Due to this nature of ‘prioritization’ it becomes important to learn the skills of time management, especially for your professional life.
In a workplace environment, it becomes important to have not only time management but also organizational skills. Having great organizational skills acts as a tool for time-management. Always remember “for every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned!”
Organizational skills refer to those competencies that help you structure and plan your everyday tasks- be it personal or professional. They help you prioritize different tasks and fulfill your commitments. In a workplace environment, such skills are helpful in making submissions before the deadlines. If you organize your tasks efficiently and manage your time effectively, the quality of the task also improves. For example: an assignment which is done slowly and gradually in ten days will have better research work as compared to an assignment which is done overnight.
The presentation, creativity and hard work reflected in both the assignments will also vary and of course better presentation will lead to better results and appreciations from your boss. Organizational skills are a combination of many skills, especially at workplaces! Hence, you need to be a master! Let’s discuss some of the basic skills which as a professional you should develop.
• Time management:
As said, time –management is the most basic skill you should have. Activities like having lunch to activities like preparing a presentation, everything needs to be done on time. If you lack this skill, chances are high that you’ll face difficulties in your personal and professional relationships. Maintain your ‘to-do-list’, wake up early in the morning and sleep on time at night, don’t procrastinate and set your priorities right away to achieve this skill.
• Set your goals:
Everyday make a list of the things you wish to complete before the day ends. This will help you stay motivated and focused towards your goals. Setting everyday goals gives you the courage to carry on even if it’s not your ‘good day’!
• Develop analytical thinking:
This skill requires you to critically analyse the problems. Analytical thinking helps you brainstorm your thoughts and spend less time on things that are not of much importance. Whenever in a not so comfortable situation, ask your mind to relax. Always support your observations with evidence.
• Planning:
Do strategic planning. Always plan for the future. This will help you manage your time for the upcoming tasks efficiently and increase your productivity as you will be confident with your ideas and thoughts.
Always make a list at night of important things to be done the next day. This prioritization will help you set your goals and plan before hand on how to work towards goal achievement.
Always remember that the more organized you are, the better is the time management and better time management shortens the road to the goals!