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Top 30 AWS Questions With Answers For Freshers

Top 30 AWS Questions with Answers for Freshers

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  1.  What is AWS?

AWS (Amazon Web Service) is a platform to provide secure cloud services, database storage, offerings to compute power, content delivery, and other services to help business level and develop.

2. Give the comparison between AWS and OpenStack.

Criteria AWS OpenStack
License Amazon proprietary Open-source
Operating system Provided as per the cloud administrator AMIs provided by AWS
Performing repeatable operations Through templates Through text files

3. What is the importance of buffer in Amazon Web Services?

An Elastic Load Balancer ensures that the incoming traffic is distributed optimally across various AWS instances. A buffer will synchronize different components and makes the arrangement additionally elastic to a burst of load or traffic. The components are prone to work in an unstable way of receiving and processing requests. The buffer creates an equilibrium linking various apparatus and crafts them to work at an identical rate to supply more rapid services.

4. How can you save the data on root volume on an EBS-backed machine?

We can save the data by overriding the terminate option.

5.  What is the maximum number of S3 buckets you can create?

The maximum number of S3 buckets that can be created is 100.

6. If you are running your DB instance as Multi-AZ deployment, can you use standby DB instances along with your primary DB instance?

No, the standby DB instance cannot be used along with the primary DB instances since the standby DB instances are supposed to be used only if the primary instance goes down.

7. What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing provides access to IT resources such as computing power, applications, and storage to users as per their demands. Here, users do not need to maintain their physical resources on their premises. In cloud computing, you can pay only for the resources you have used, so there are no investment costs. This service provides greater flexibility and scaling on resources according to your changing workloads.

8. What is a Data lake?

It is a centralized data repository to store all your structured and unstructured data at any volume. The core aspect of Data lake is that you can apply various analytical tools to data, derive analytics, and uncover useful insights without structuring the data. Also, Data lake stores data coming from various sources such as business applications, mobile applications, and IoT devices.

9. What is Server less Computing? 

AWS offers a server less computing facility to run codes and manage data and applications without managing servers. Server less computing eliminates infrastructure management tasks like capacity provisioning, patching, etc. It reduces the operating costs significantly. As this technology scales in response to the demands for resources automatically, it ensures quick service to users.

10. What is Amazon EC2? 

Amazon EC2 is known as Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing Platform. It provides a robust computing platform to handle any workload with the latest processors, storage, Operating Systems, and networking capabilities. It simplifies the computing process for developers. And this service reduces time by allowing quick scaling as per the requirements.

11. What is Amazon Cloud Front?

Amazon Cloud Front is known as the Content Delivery Network (CDN) service. This service provides high security and performance and is a developer-friendly tool. Amazon CloudFront uses a global network with 310+ Points of Presence (PoPs) across the globe, which helps to reduce latency effectively. And this service uses automated mapping and intelligent routing mechanisms to reduce latency. Amazon CloudFront secures data by applying traffic encryption and controlling access to data.

12. What is Amazon VPC?

Amazon VPC is known as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), allowing you to control your virtual private cloud. Using this service, you can design your VPC right from resource placement and connectivity to security. And you can add Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) instances according to your needs. Also, you can define the communication between other VPCs, regions, and availability zones in the cloud.

13. Explain what S3 is?

S3 stands for Simple Storage Service. You can use the S3 interface to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time and from anywhere on the web.  For S3, the payment model is “pay as you go.

14. What is AMI?

AMI stands for Amazon Machine Image.  It’s a template that provides the information (an operating system, an application server, and applications) required to launch an instance, which is a copy of the AMI running as a virtual server in the cloud.  You can launch instances from as many different AMIs as you need

15. What are key-pairs in AWS?

Key-pairs are secure login information for your virtual machines. To connect to the instances, you can use key-pairs which contain a public-key and private-key.

16. What are the different types of instances?

Following are the types of instances:

  • General purpose
  • Computer Optimized
  • Memory Optimized
  • Storage Optimized
  • Accelerated Computing

17. What are the Roles?

Roles are used to provide permissions to entities which you can trust within your AWS account. Roles are very similar to users. However, with roles, you do not require to create any username and password to work with the resources.

18. What are the edge locations?

Edge location is the area where the contents will be cached. So, when a user is trying to access any content, the content will automatically be searched in the edge location.

19. Explain snowball.

Snowball is a data transport option. It used source appliances to a large amount of data into and out of AWS. With the help of snowball, you can transfer a massive amount of data from one place to another. It helps you to reduce networking costs.

20. What is a redshift?

Redshift is a big data warehouse product. It is a fast and powerful, fully managed data warehouse service in the cloud.

21. What are the advantages of auto-scaling?

Following are the advantages of auto scaling:

  • Offers fault tolerance
  • Better availability
  • Better cost management

22. What is Geo-Targeting in Cloud Front?

Geo-Targeting enables the creation of customized content based on the geographic location of the user. This allows you to serve the content which is more relevant to a user. For example, using Geo-Targeting, you can show the news related to local body elections to a user sitting in India, which you may not want to show to a user sitting in the US. Similarly, the news related to Baseball Tournament can be more relevant to a user sitting in the US, and not so relevant for a user sitting in India.

23. What are the advantages of AWS IAM?

AWS IAM enables an administrator to provide granular level access to different users and groups. Different users and user groups may need different levels of access to different resources created. With IAM, you can create roles with specific access-levels and assign the roles to the users.

It also allows you to provide access to the resources to users and applications without creating the IAM Roles, which is known as Federated Access.

24. What do you understand by a Security Group?

When you create an instance in AWS, you may or may not want that instance to be accessible from the public network. Moreover, you may want that instance to be accessible from some networks and not from others.

Security Groups are a type of rule-based Virtual Firewall using which you can control access to your instances. You can create rules defining the Port Numbers, Networks, or protocols from which you want to allow access or deny access.

25. Can you change the Private IP Address of an EC2 instance while it is running or in a stopped state?

No, a Private IP Address of an EC2 instance cannot be changed. When an EC2 instance is launched, a private IP Address is assigned to that instance at the boot time. This private IP Address is attached to the instance for its entire lifetime and can never be changed.

26. What is the use of lifecycle hooks is Auto scaling?

Lifecycle hooks are used for Auto-scaling to put an additional wait time to a scale-in or a scale-out event.

27. What are the Edge locations?

Edge Location refers to the location where the contents are cached and can be useful when users access the content. If the searched content is unavailable in edge locations, the content will be created from an origin location and a copy of it will be saved in the edge locations.

28.What is archive storage capacity in Glacier?

Individual archives can be stored up to a maximum of 40 TB in Glacier.

29. What is a redshift?

Redshift is a data warehouse product of Amazon that provides fast and powerful services; completely manageable petabyte-scale warehouse.

30. What is SNS?

Simple Notification Service(SNS) is a web service under AWS that notifies the user of any activity in the cloud that requires attention through mail or messages as desired by the user. Get access to Common selenium interview questions on clicking the following link.

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