COVID-19: Harmonious relations between the Employers and Employees
The outbreak of the novel coronavirus has wreaked havoc across the globe. With limited resources and supplies, the national and international organisations have joined hands to combat the situation, for once and for all.
To ensure the protection of individuals, the governments across the globe have been taking proactive and mitigating measures such as social distancing, imposing quarantines and issuing travel advisories. However, such moves had an adverse impact on private sector workers who were adversely hit by the widespread pandemic.
In order to reduce costs, many companies had laid off a majority of its workforce due to their inability to provide services. If looked at from a humanitarian perspective, this is rather a harsh move. As citizens with social responsibility towards the society, it makes it all the more essential for us to safeguard the workers of all sectors.
These are desperate times. Companies, especially Multinational Giants must release emergency funds to pay the employees. Instead of reducing the workforce, they should look for more projects that can be done by the workers remotely, from the comfort of their homes. Small companies can go for acquisitions and mergers with the larger ones, to ensure their survival and growth. By showing their support to them, the firms can build up employee loyalty and increase the cordial relations between them.
Such support is a two-way street. In order to get support, the employees are equally responsible to ensure that due to the deteriorating economic conditions, the company does not plunge to bankruptcy. Company’s measures of cutting the costs by reducing a certain percentage from the salaries must be welcomed by them.
As per the recent statement made by Mr. Narayana Murthy, the founder of Infosys, the employees should extend their working duration to at least 60 hours a week, in order to speed up the financial recovery of the company and thereafter, the economic recovery of the country. Hence, in the view of the greater good of the public, both should show immense support to each other to emerge victorious from the global pandemic.