Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving Skills
The world is developing day by day. Along with it, we humans are also growing and evolving. This growing population has further led to an increase in competition, competition for resources. During this crucial period, it becomes important to develop some qualities that will help us lead a successful life.
Critical thinking and Problem Solving are one of them.
In simple words, critical thinking refers to that art of problem solving which requires you to skillfully conceptualize, analyze and apply the information you received from your surroundings through your experiences or observation in order to find a solution to the present problem.
Critical thinking is the key to creative problem solving. It not only helps you broaden your perspective and
brainstorm your mind through re-examination of situations but also helps in personal and professional growth. It improves your decision-making skills. Critical-Thinking is not only restricted to professional life but also applies to your personal life situations. It is based on solving the problems of real-life and based on that preparing yourself for future.
Some merits of Critical-Thinking and Problem Solving are:
• Increased curiosity
Critically thinking about all real-life situations makes you curious and question your surroundings. It keeps your mind active and helps you with your creativity and intelligence.
• Effective problem solving: As a critical thinker, you master the art of problem solving due to reexamination of ideas and constant brainstorming of thoughts. This helps you with your leadership skills as well.
• Planned future: Critical thinkers have vision clarity in the sense that they are farsighted individuals. Hence, they have the talent to use present resources effectively to generate better future outputs.
• Understanding of different point of views: After developing this skill, you start to understand not only yours but also, others point of view. You start to give and understand reasoning behind every new idea and suggestion. On the other hand, you are also able to use those ideas and suggestions to solve a particular problem.
Let’s now ponder upon some ways in which you can develop your Critical thinking and Problem-Solving ability.
• Have the courage to step out of your comfort zone! Look out for new experiences and examine how problematic ones can be handled effectively. Look out for evidence that support your observations.
• Don’t just stick to one kind of solution. Learn to adapt to changing environment and act accordingly.
• Learn patience. Patience is art. The more patient you are, the easier it gets for you and others to work on the problem.
• Practice time management. Segmenting your time will give you a chance to explore and learn.
• Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Ask questions to yourself, look for biases, re-examine your thoughts and at the same time learn to accept your mistakes. All these will lead you to a better decision making and effective leadership.
Critical-Thinking and Problem-Solving is a soft skill.
The faster you adapt and learn, the easier it becomes to get through all practical professional problems.