Education Policy 2020: Key Points
The Education Policy 2020 has been the talk of the town since yesterday. People, especially students and parents are a little skeptical of the outcomes. Here are some of the crucial takeaways from the policy, that have been explained in a simple manner.
The curriculum has been designed from a job-oriented perspective, thereby introducing Vocational Training from Class 6th onwards. This will promote skill development in children which is essential to grab a job in the market.
The mother tongue will be the medium of communication till Class 5.
The 10+2 structure has been replaced by 5+3+3+4 structure, consisting of 12 years of school and 3 years of preschool. Exams will be held only for classes 3, 5 and 8. Boards will take place as usual, but their pattern will change drastically and there will be a shift from rot learning to knowledge checking.
All the redundant topics will be removed and the ones relevant to today’s world will be introduced.
The government has kept in mind the holistic development of the young minds through an interdisciplinary approach. Thus the distinction between arts, commerce and science has been removed. Students can now pick a combination of subjects of their interests.
The duration of undergraduate courses have been increased from three years to four years.
Multiple exit options have been introduced at the undergraduate level. This allows the students to exit the course in the middle. Those who leave after 12 months will get a vocational training certificate. Those who complete two years will get a diploma. Those completing the entire duration will get a multi-disciplinary bachelor’s degree.
Apart from the legal and medical colleges, all the other colleges will be regulated by a single body named Higher Education Council of India (HECI).
M.phil Courses have been scrapped.
The Ministry of HRD has been renamed as the Ministry of Education.
Along with the Prime Minister, the whole of India welcomes this policy with open minds and hearts. The Education Industry had been following the obsolete norms for at least three decades now, and this was a much needed step in order to keep up with the standards of global education!